3.02 Earth, including Geology & Soils

(Anchor 2003) Anchor Environmental, LLC. 2003.  Preliminary Report, Thorndyke Resource Operations Complex,  Central Conveyor and Pier Project:  Potential Effects on Longshore Sediment Transport and Shoreline Processes.  Prepared for Reid Middleton. February 2003.

(Birdseye 1976) Birdseye, R.U. 1976. Geologic Map of the East-Central Jefferson County, Washington. Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources. Open-File Report 76-26.

(GeoResources 2002) GeoResources. 2002. Revised Report, Gravel Resource Evaluation, Geotechnical & Hydrogeologic Conditions, Shine Pit – Thorndyke Expansion Area, Jefferson County, Washington.

(GeoResources 2009) GeoResources. 2009. Preliminary Geologic Investigation of Aggregate Resources Meridian Extraction Area, Thorndyke Mineral Resource Area, Jefferson County, Washington, USA, Sec. 7 & 18 T27N R1E and 13 T27N R1W Willamette Meridian.

(GeoResources 2011) GeoResources. 2011. Geotechnical Consultation, Additional Hydrogeologic Information, The Meridian Extraction Area, Jefferson County, Washington.

(GeoResources 2013) GeoResources. 2013. Hydrogeologic Consultation, Potential Impacts – Thorndyke Creek, MRL – Upland Action Area, Jefferson County, Washington.

(Grimstad 1981) Grimstad, Peder, and Carson, Robert J. 1981. Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Eastern Jefferson County, Washington. Washington Department of Ecology Water Supply Bulletin Number 54. April 1981.

(Public Works 1999) Jefferson County Department of Public Works. 1999. Memorandum, Thorndyke Road Slide MP. 3.5. March 15, 1999.

(Krazen 2003) Krazen. 2003. Preliminary Report of Geologic Visual Site Reconnaissance, Thorndyke Operations Complex, Twin Conveyors, Jefferson County, Washington, A Portion of Sections 6, 7, 8, 17, 18 and 19, T 27 N, R 1 E, W.M.

(Norman 2000) Norman, D.K. 2000.  Mining Regulations in Washington.  WDNR (Washington Department of Natural Resources Division of Geology and Earth Resources).  Open File Report 2000-3.

(NRCS 2003) NRCS (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service).  2003.  Web Soil Survey.  Available at: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/HomePage.htm [Accessed July 3, 2013.]

(Shannon & Wilson 2003) Shannon & Wilson. 2003. Preliminary Geotechnical Report, Thorndyke Resource Operations Complex, Single Conveyor and Pier, Jefferson County, Washington.

(SCS 1975) USDA SCS (United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service). 1975. Soil Survey of Jefferson County Area, Washington. August 1975