3.09 Noise
(Environalysis 2002) Environalysis, LLC. 2002. Report on the Existing Noise Levels in the Vicinity of Fred Hill Materials Operations at Shine, Washington. October 2002.
(Environalysis 2003) Environalysis, LLC. 2003. Supplemental Noise Report, Noise Levels with Operations at the Wahl Extraction Permit Area at Shine, Washington. February 2003.
(Environalysis 2011) Environalysis, LLC. 2011. Noise Study for the Thorndyke Resources Operations Complex (T-ROC) Central Conveyor and Pier Project. September 1, 2011.
(Epsilon 2006) Epsilon Associates, Inc. 2006. Hudson River PCBs Superfund Site Phase 1 Final Design Report Attachment J - Noise Impact Assessment. March 21, 2006.
(MFG 2004) MFG, Inc. Atmospheric Science Group. 2004. T-ROC Central Conveyor and Pier Project Noise Analysis Thorndyke, WA Jefferson County.
(EPA 1974) EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). 1974. Information on Levels of Environmental Noise Requisite to Protect Public Health and Welfare with an Adequate Margin of Safety. EPA 550/9-74-004. March 1, 1974.
(EPA 1980) EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). 1980. Effects of Noise on Wildlife and Other Animals; Review of Research Since 1971. EPA 550/9-80-100. July 1980.
(Tipler 1976) Tipler, Paul A. 1976. Physics. Worth Publishers, New York, N.Y.
(Orca 2004) Klohn-Crippen. Orca Sand and Gravel Ltd. Sound Assessment Trail Bay. October 2004)